Artistic evolution

He starts in 1967 as self-taught. He takes official studies at Escuela de Artes Aplicadas y Oficios Artísticos (EAAOA), de Barcelona (1966-69). He studies engraving and litography at Escuela de las Artes del Libro (EAAOA) 1981-1983.

He has carried out more than one hundred and fifty exhibitions both individual and collective. He has also taken part in different showings, faires and international contemporary art biennials both in our country and abroad.

Since 1972 he works to different interdisciplinary syntheses. He has been a pioneer in the development of Ambients. Vitamorfismos (1975 and 1977), Espacio Totémico (1982), Bosque Encantado (2001-02), Gaudi@mus (2002), Universo. Bosque. Espejo-Rosetón (2006), La Fuente de la Tierra (2009), El Árbol de la Vida II y Cosmológico Mediterráneo (2010)El Canto y el Grito de la Tierra (2012-13-14 and 2015), among others. He has made several ephemereal settings.

Since 1981 he has developed a creative process with an interdisciplinary global art concept that he calls Tras-Sinteista, what in the beginnings of the eighties he was a contemporary of the Italian post-avantgarde movement, being one of its forefathers in Catalonia. He is also considered in Barcelona as one of the forefathers of action art (happenings, actions, performances, ephemereal shows) that he carried out both individually and collectively from the beginning of the seventies. In the last decade he makes art video, videopoems, video documentaries and videocreations

His work is present in several galleries and both private and public collections.

Recent individual exhibitions and public sculpture. 2016. Jardín del Tiempo Detenido. Galería Lleonart. Barcelona. 2014. Escultopintura pública. Cal Talaveró. Verdú. Lérida – El Canto y el Grito de la Tierra. Casa Valls. Casa Museo Ciutadilla. Lérida. 2013. Cal Talaveró. Verdú. Lérida. 2012. Ayuntamiento Balaguer. Lérida. 2011. Galería Lleonart. Barcelona.

Collectives exhibitions. Recent Internationals Faires. 2014-2015. Salón de Navidad. Espacio 120. Barcelona. 2014. 30 Años del Colectivo Yerba. 1984-1996. Sala de exposiciones del Ayuntamiento de Sant Cugat del Vallés. Barcelona. 2013. Visiones. Joan Gaspar Gallery. Barcelona – BCN Connexió. Aragón 232 Gallery. Barcelona. 2012. Art. Fair 2012. Cologne. Aragón 232 Gallery. International Contemporary Art Fair. Alemania –  Aragón 232 Gallery. Barcelona. 2011. Presentaciones. Cal Talaveró. Verdú. Lérida. 2017-2016-2014-2013-2012. Lleonart Gallery. Barcelona. Contra la Violencia de Genero. Palacio Alós. Barcelona. 2006. Galerie du Manoir. Switzerland.

Other individual exhibitions. 2007-08. 2005. 2003. Darby Louise Gallery. Barcelona. 2004-2007. Paintings & sculptures. Sensitivy. Barcelona Presence. Darby Louise Cultural Center. Chicago. EE.UU. 2006. 1999. 1987.1985. Lleonart Gallery. Barcelona. 2003. Akka Gallery. Valencia. 2002.1987. Centro Cultural Fundación Caixaterrassa. Terrassa. Barcelona. 2000. 1998. 1996. Manifiesto Barcelona Gallery. 1997. Exposición Retrospectiva. Sala de arte del Ayuntamiento de Sant Cugat. Barcelona.

Faires, showings and competition. Selection. 2017-15. Selection Prize International de Belles Arts Sant Jordi, tridimensional art. 2014-2012. Selection Prize International de Belles Arts Sant Jordi, pintura. 2005. Cow- Parade Barcelona 0’5. 2003. Interarte Valencia. 2000. Art Sevilla 2000. Sevilla. 1999-1998-1997. Artexpo. Barcelona. 1992-1984-1983. Muestra de Arte Contemporáneo Catalán. Sant Cugat. Barcelona. 1988. I Premio Ricard Camí. Caixa Terrasa 1986. A.R.C.O. 86. Madrid.

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